App Tutorials

Getting Started Guide

After the launch of the Provenance App the team found that many users would benefit from a ‘Getting Started Guide’. Not only would this save time by guiding users through the app themselves, but also allow the brand to demonstrate the quality of content they wanted to maintain.

As a tech based company, using multiple stills to demonstrate the process seemed out dated. I filmed the app in use, animating the touchpoints and then showing it within the latest version of the iPhone. This gave a clear intuitive demonstration of how the software could be used easily to promote a brand and its manufacturing processes, adding quality and value to its products.

App Tutorial

IPF uses satellite technology in order to target the application of chemicals and nutrients within agriculture. Precise use of such chemicals is essential for sustainable crop growth and reduces the environmental impact of large scale farming.

The SeeCrop App is an Agronomic tool developed to provide farmers with imagery showing nitrogen levels within crops, allowing them to target specific areas of a crop that are low in nitrogen. Another use is for logging problematic weeds, pests and diseases to alleviate them. This provides farmers with a dataset of previous crop issues, therefore tasks like deeper cultivations, spring cropping and chemical applications can again be targeted rather than undertaken on mass.

Upon the launch of the SeeCrop App IPF found it was using a lot of resources to teach farmers how to use the app. I consulted with the brand on how the app worked and what users were most commonly needing help with. We were then able to design a set of four App tutorials. Customers can now easily reference these when using SeeCrop and this has improved customer service and satisfaction, whilst also allowing the company to use their internal resources more effectively.