Videos & Animations

Project JUST Concept & Homepage Video

Project JUST brings consumers the real stories behind their clothes. With just a couple of weeks to go before the launch the founder and head graphic designer contacted me to saying that they wanted to change the website landing page to display a video succinctly explaining the Project JUST concept.

Working quickly, I condensed the original text and created a script, whilst retaining the brand’s core purpose and values. Using some existing imagery from the brand I developed a series of images to illustrate the message, recording a voiceover and identifying an appropriate sound track. Both founder and head designer were incredibly pleased with the final outcome, delivered in time for the website launch.

KNOWMORE Concept Video

Fashion has become as much a part of our lifestyle as the food we eat. Everyday we make choices about the food we consume, but why do we not go through the same conscious thought process for the clothes we wear?

In order to put into practice similar values and attitudes we need to promote the same standards of supply transparency in the fashion industry. This is why I have developed my brand, KNOWMORE. To say ‘No More’ to unethical trading; we need to be able to make informed decisions, by knowing as much about our clothing as we’d like to know about our food.

I created this animation to show how, as consumers, although we have become much more engaged with the reality behind the supply of our food, we haven’t necessarily applied the same humanitarian values to our clothing.

Pants to Poverty India Vlogs

As part of my internship with Pants to Poverty we travelled to India to gain a better understanding of the process a Pants to Poverty product goes through before arriving with the consumer. We spent a lot of time learning about organic cotton farming, helping harvest the fibre, then following it through the supply chain to the manufacturer, spending time with the workers throughout the process. One of our aims was to bring the stories of the workers to our consumers back home, increasing awareness, understanding and transparency.

Whilst travelling the country the team filmed the entire journey. It was my role to edit the footage and create a series of vlogs from the trip. With a busy schedule, spending most of our time in tribal villages, on trains or in rural accommodation with unreliable power and internet access, completing the videos was frequently challenging. However, the finished products were a huge success, encompassing everything they aimed to, giving our customers a bigger insight into ‘who made their clothes’, improving transparency and building a ‘Pants Community’.  They were privately quoted by Lucy Seigle to have a ‘blood sweat and t-shirts meets the apprentice feel’.